David Adams

David Adams

Head of Commercial Product Marketing

About the Author

About the Author

A seasoned technology expert, David Adams has spent his career specializing in SaaS based technology and high growth markets. With Equifax, as the Head of Commercial Product Marketing, David is responsible for the Go-To-Market strategy of the commercial portfolio, including B2B marketing solutions, commercial risk, and portfolio management.

Recent Articles by this Author

Recent Articles

Commercial Business How to Grow Deposits from Small Businesses

What do you think of when you hear “deposit growth”? For many, the immediate reaction is to think ‘consumer savings’, which wouldn’t be a [...]

Commercial Business What Now? How Lenders, Service Providers and Small Businesses are Responding in Q3 2024

In today's economic landscape, small businesses face a complex web of both challenges and opportunities. Market trends and financial dyn [...]

Commercial Business Inflation, Consumer Spending, and Stagflation: Insights for Small Businesses

In June’s Small Business Indices, we focused on consumer spending and its implications for the overall economy. In this blog, we will shar [...]

Commercial Business Unlock Entrepreneurship: 3 Ways Lenders Can Support Small Business

Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy. They play an important role in job creation and economic growth.¹ Over 99% of [...]

Commercial Business Understanding the Economic Landscape for Small Businesses

In recent months, the U.S. economy has been navigating various challenges, affecting both big and small players alike. Let's take a clos [...]

Commercial Business 2024 Small Business Trends: Default & Delinquency

In honor of Small Business Month, we’re sharing tools and thought leadership to keep you in-the-know. Below, you’ll find an overview o [...]

Commercial Business Small Businesses: The Lifeblood of the American Economy

The 2024 financial market leaves many in a state of uncertainty except for a certain bright spot: small businesses. This Small Bus [...]

Commercial Business Regional Trends to Watch: Small Business Credit Quality by U.S. Population

In recognition of Small Business Week, we’d like to introduce the new 2024 Market Trends and Predictions Report focusing on the curr [...]

Commercial Business Exploring Economic Trends: A Deep Dive into Recent Small Business Lending Data

The small business landscape continues to shift, and due to a few recent trends we identified the need to take a step back to get a bett [...]

Commercial Business Regional Trends: Small Business Delinquency Index Predictions for 2024

33.3 million businesses in the United States qualify as small businesses. 1 In recognition of Small Business Month, we produced [...]

Commercial Business Navigating the Ever-Changing Small Business Landscape

When it comes to the small business landscape the one thing we generally all agree on is this is a time [...]

Commercial Business Understanding, Accessing, and Building Your Business Credit Profile

Similar to your personal credit, maintaining good business credit is fundamental to growing and protecting your business. In today’s high [...]

Commercial Business Commercial Real Estate Investment: Adding Clarity to an Uncertain Market

In the ever-evolving world of real estate investments, adaptability is the key to success. The landscape of property investments is shif [...]

Identity & Fraud 8 Ways to Know Who Your Small Business is Doing Business With

In today's rapidly expanding small business marketplace, the numbers speak for themselves. Over the past three years, there has been an [...]

Commercial Business B2B Marketing – Quickly Identify and Engage Small Business Prospects

The landscape of small businesses is evolving, and the numbers speak for themselves. Over the past three years, the small busines [...]

Data and Analytics Small Business Indices: Show the Effects of Tighter Credit Conditions test2

In July 2023, small business lending and financial stress exhibited distinct regional and industry-based trends. As we look at the Equifax [...]

Commercial Business Prepare Small Business for Uncertain Economic Conditions

An uncertain economy is challenging for any business, and in particular small businesses. According to [...]

Commercial Business Q&A: Gaining Access to Credit for Small Businesses

It is National Small Business Week and at Equifax we are celebrating big with a lot of new announcements! 99.9% of businesses across the [...]

Commercial Business The Economic Future of Auto Lending

The future is uncertain, and success or failure is not predetermined They say nothing in life is certain, and as we head into [...]

Recession Readiness Insights B2B Marketing: Bringing Precision to Ecommerce Customer Acquisition

The right insights: The key to targeting and acquiring new and high-growth eCommerce merchants is having the right insights Even with marke [...]

Identity & Fraud A Layered Approach to Fraud

“Losses due to identity theft increased by 42% from 2019 to 2020 primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Aite Group estimates that losse [...]

Identity & Fraud 6 Ways to Combat Online Fraudsters

"The truth is, your identity has already been stolen. More than 800 million security breaches have occurred, and we have only about 320 mill [...]

Identity & Fraud Digital Trust: It Takes More Than a Score

Assessing a Consumer’s Identity is Not as Simple as Reviewing a Document and Putting a Score on it. The concepts of credit and fr [...]

Identity & Fraud Building Digital Trust: The New Normal

It has never been more important for businesses and consumers to trust who they're doing business with. Everyone knows the adage, [...]