Data and Analytics

Forrester Q&A: Getting My Organization to Act on CX Metrics

August 31, 2018 | Christine Cornwell

This is the third post in a 5-part series, Digital Customer Experience. Forrester Analyst We asked Maxie Schmidt-Subramanian, PhD, Principal Analyst with Forrester Research, about the impact of digital transformation on customer experience (CX). Here is the third question in our series.


Question: How do I get people in my organization to act on CX metrics?

Answer:  Are you frustrated that stakeholders aren’t “getting” CX and are indifferent to using available CX metrics? Chances are that’s because they fail to see them as relevant or actionable, and sometimes find them too hard to access or understand. To overcome those challenges, you need to make metrics:

  • Relevant
  • Specific
  • Easy
  • Appealing

Here are some examples for how to do that:

  • Link metrics to stakeholders’ success
  • Show specifically which employee behaviors drive metrics
  • Share metrics in channels that stakeholders use for their daily work
  • And entice stakeholders to use the metrics by making it more fun to do so

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