Data Driven Marketing

Reach the Right Millennials Through Their Devices

November 13, 2017 | Lyra Hankins

After a long day of work, it is unlikely that you will find Millennials standing around reading their mail the way that Boomers might. In fact, many Millennials don’t even check their mailboxes more than a few times a week.

If you’re a marketer, the place to reach Millennials is through their devices – mobile, tablets, computers, TV, and more. And marketing to their devices allows you to reach them all day long.

You can better reach this highly coveted audience by leveraging Millennial-specific Digital Targeting Segments. These segments can easily be integrated into your digital strategy, so you can serve ads and tailored messages – online, mobile, addressable TV, targeted radio, and more – directly to those Millennials that you most want to reach. But you probably don’t want to reach all Millennials.

You only want to reach the ones that are likely to be interested in your products and services. Plus, you want to reach Millennials that are likely to have the financial profile to take advantage of your offers.

For example, if you’re an auto marketer, you might be developing an online campaign to promote your latest luxury line. There are millions of households that might fit this description. Your goal, however, is to penetrate a younger audience. You only want to reach Millennials – and that brings your audience to a very manageable 2.5% of households that are most likely to be in market for a luxury auto, or the 4.1% of households that are likely to respond to an auto loan offer.

Similarly, if you are marketing financial services geared at young adults, you are likely focused on reaching Millennials that have the financial capacity to invest. In this case, you might want to connect with Millennials that are likely to have total investable assets over $250,000 (that’s just 1% of all households) or with those that are likely to be ‘investors’ (just 4.6% of all households).

By targeting just those young adults that likely have the product preferences and capacity to pay for or use your products and services, you can serve relevant digital ads to your preferred Millennials and help improve your marketing campaign performance.

Equifax provides over 350 additional digital consumer and small business segments to enhance your omni-channel campaigns, including households that are likely to have specific credit card, communications, retail, and other interests, preferences and economic profiles. If you are looking to fine-tune your online targeting to reach specific audiences, this is a good resource to explore.

Check out all the Digital Targeting Segments from Equifax. 

All data sourced from Equifax Inc.

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