
Verify Eligibility for Government Programs

Automated, real-time data can streamline the verification process for government programs

Expedite Benefit Determinations with Timely Data

Government agencies and organizations that administer social services programs know access to timely data is critical. With real-time, automated data, you can determine program eligibility faster. This can more quickly help qualified applicants get the help they need, whether that be food and housing assistance, medical insurance, child support, or unemployment benefits, all while maintaining program integrity. 

Key Facts & Figures

employee records from businesses of all sizes can be reviewed by Government agencies.
of government users found undisclosed employment and income by reviewing records in our database. (2019 Equifax Study)
of monthly median income can change month over month, directly impacting benefit eligibility.

Who We Serve

Social Services
Access the most current income and employment data for benefit determinations.
Child Support Enforcement
Help automate child support processes. 
Public Housing
Streamline HUD eligibility determinations while improving the resident screening process by accessing the largest source of authentic employment information. 
Workforce Services
Gauge the success of your training programs, provide unemployment benefits, and comply with federal guidelines.

Fast. Efficient.

Let us help to streamline and speed up your process, reduce duplication, and make sure you’re basing your decisions on the most up-to-date information. We offer a variety of services to help government agencies verify eligibility for individuals applying for and/or recertifying for public assistance programs, in addition to helping child support agencies establish and modify child support orders as well as locate non-custodial parents.
Case Study

Expand Access to Benefits, Faster

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services used our automated data to fulfill more determinations at the point of first contact. 

Build Streamlined Medicaid Eligibility Systems

Improve client services and work to improve ex parte renewal rates.
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