With Graduate Outcomes, higher education institutions including colleges and universities can gain insight on their graduates' estimated income and financial health in post-graduate years.
With these insights, institutions can better market to new students, monitor and impact institutional / program effectiveness, and fuel fundraising efforts.
Who It's For
Marketing and Admissions
Promote value of your institution to support PR and student college selection
Program Researchers
Monitor and compare program effectiveness by student populations
Alumni Outreach and Fundraising
Discover where alumni reside and identify alumni with economic capacity to donate
Key Applications
As higher education costs continue to rise, institutions are feeling the pressure to prove the value of their programs.
Graduate Outcomes can help education institutions leverage a unique lens to evaluate graduate success by observing their financial well-being.
Support publicity and showcase the value of an education at your institution
Track effectiveness of your programs
Compare the financial health of your student populations
Identify alumni likely to have economic capacity to donate.
Present the Value of your Programs
Colleges and universities often struggle to obtain the data they need to understand the outcomes of their graduates. Efforts such as outbound calling, state-specific databases, and self-reported survey responses can yield data that is dated or inaccurate.
By tapping into the power of Equifax data - such as estimated income and credit attributes - institutions can access a suite of outcome metrics to better understand graduate performance and institutional effectiveness.
A Large Private University Used Graduate Outcomes to Discover:
Their graduates earn more than the national median income
Median earnings from degree recipients rise by 138% fifteen years after graduating from the institution