Positive Impact
Our purpose — to help people live their financial best — is at the heart of everything we do. That’s why Equifax is dedicated to supporting financial education and philanthropy — creating a positive impact in our communities and around the world.

Developing Solutions for a Better World

Committed to Financial Inclusion

We develop global solutions that bring greater access to financial opportunity to more people in more places.


VINE is the nation’s leading victim notification network. It allows survivors, victims of crime, and other concerned citizens to access timely and reliable information about offenders or criminal cases in U.S. jails and prisons.

How We Make an Impact


We are committed to helping our communities thrive.

  • Our Equifax Gives program matched $1.1 million in employee charitable donations in 2023 for more than $3.5 million in total community impact.
  • In 2023, the Equifax Foundation put our Purpose into action by making $1.465 million in direct charitable grants to our Community partners.
  • Equifax partners with community organizations to promote financial capability in marginalized communities — helping to tackle financial inequality.
  • The Equifax Consumer Knowledge Center helps educate consumers about credit scores, debt management, cybersecurity and other helpful topics.


Learn more about our Consumer Impact.


Read more about our responsible business priorities.