What is your product cancellation policy?

You may cancel your product at any time by phone or online.  Once you have requested to cancel your product, you will continue to have access to it until the cancellation effective date, which varies based on your product terms.  Please refer to the information below for details.
Monthly Subscription Products
Cancellation of monthly subscription products will be effective at the end of the then-current billing cycle. 
Annual Subscription Products 
The effective date of cancellation for annual subscription products is based on the effective date of purchase.  Therefore, if you purchased your product on the 15th day of a month, your cancellation would be effective on the next occurrence of the 15th day of a month.

In the event your effective date of purchase was the 29th, 30th or 31st of a month, and that day does not occur in the month in which you cancel; your cancellation will be effective on the last day of the month. 
Trial Offers 
The effective date of cancellation for reduced-price and free trial offers will be effective at the end of the trial period provided cancellation is requested prior to the end of the trial period.

One-time credit score and report products
One-time products are active for a period of 30 days after purchase and will expire automatically.  There is no need to cancel.

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