Key Facts & Figures
Income and employment records can be accessed.
Employers of all sizes from a variety of industries.
Verification requests were fulfilled in 2022.
Who We Serve
Verify Throughout the Journey, for a Variety of Reasons
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Recommended Products
Employment Verifications
Safe, secure and fast, The Work Number® reduces your work and keeps life moving for your employees
Income & Employment Verification
Income and employment verifications within seconds
A strategic ideation experience where Equifax and its customers collaborate to solve complicated business challenges using advanced data and analytics
Property Verification
Verify residential property ownership within seconds
Social Service Verification
Use The Work Number® to verify the employment and
income information in real time to provide clients the right
government assistance in their time of need
Talent Report™ Education
Access and verify education history to save total hiring cost and hire candidates faster
Talent Report™ Employment
Know more about candidates up front to further enhance your ability to make more informed hiring decisions
The Work Number ID
Our identity validation service helps give you assurance early in the credit cycle
Verification of Employment for Government
Verify applicants’ employment instantly