Business Credit Reports

Product Overview
International Business Reports
Protect your business with International Business Reports. The reports check on the financial status of international suppliers and customers. Receive the most current information from anywhere. Choose from three levels of service to fit your needs through our online platform.

Transform Credit and Collections with the Help of Equifax
Lennox needed a more consistent and connected process for reviewing and approving customers and recovering debt. The company achieved this and more with the help of a world-class credit management solution from Equifax.

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We Offer a Full Suite of Solutions
Knowing more about your business prospects, customers, and vendors helps you make more confident decisions. You will be able to set terms that optimize profitability while minimizing risk. Each report may contain the following types of information:
- Firmographics
- Public records: judgments, liens, UCCs, and bankruptcies
- Trade payment history
- Financial payment history
- Corporate family trees and identifying information for each business level
- Small business owner and/or guarantors associated
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