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Product Overview

Analytic Dataset is a tool that gives investors and other market participants access to key borrower-level data in an anonymous and non-aggregated format. This data helps them better model delinquency, default, loss severity and prepayment.

The dataset includes credit risk scores, consumer age range, geography, debt balances and delinquency status at the loan level for all consumer loan obligations and asset classes.

Gain Better Insights and Make More Accurate Predictions

The unique, granular loan and borrower data that Analytic Dataset provides enables the creation of loan-level models that can more accurately predict future performance and provide better consumer insights.

Investors, issuers, traders, ratings agencies, researchers and regulators can use this tool to analyze and model consumer payment performance across a variety of asset classes such as auto, credit card, mortgage and unsecured personal loans. 
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Key Benefits

Unique, anonymous and nonaggregated granular consumer-level data

Represents an unbiased statistical sample of the credit active population.

Data across a full economic cycle

Contains leading indicators of changes, risk identification and loss forecasting.

Structured to allow for integration with other data assets

Such as home price indexes, collateral values and labor statistics and risk modeling.

Account-level data available across all consumer assets classes

Includes credit cards, consumer loans, student loans and mortgage loan data.

Timely updates with options for delivery  

Choose from monthly or twice monthly delivery.
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Our Differentiated Data Drives Better Business Decisions

There has long been a need for enhanced models that include borrower-level data in an anonymous and non-aggregated format. 

Analytic Dataset provides this type of essential data to businesses to assist with building better, more accurate predictive models — models that can deliver important consumer insights that lead to smarter, better business decisions.
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