Case Study

Top 10 Bank Redefines Branch Goals Based on Market Opportunity with MarketMix

Case Study

Top 10 Bank Redefines Branch Goals Based on Market Opportunity with MarketMix

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A leading U.S. bank needed to assess its branch performance. It knew which branches had the highest Assets Under Management (AUM), but was unsure how those branches compared to competitive branches in the area. The bank also wanted to know which branches were underperforming relative to market opportunity. 

The firm used MarketMix to analyze branch performance. MarketMix provides estimates of the total invested assets for defined geographic areas and can be used to analyze market growth over time.

As a result, the bank was able to distinguish among branches with rising AUM based on whether their success was due to organic growth in stagnant markets or simply being located in growing markets. It also found: 

  • Several branches thought to be high performers with high AUM were actually in low-growth markets or had low market share 
  • Several branches thought to be low performers had high market share 
  • Some geographies had too many branches given market demand

Read our case study for details and learn what MarketMix could do for your company.