Case Study

Taking Control of Customer Data

Case Study

Taking Control of Customer Data

Our global logistics and shipping client was overwhelmed with customer data. It had 32 product-based revenue systems with 20,000+ daily transactions. Each quarter, our client struggled to compile and report enterprise revenue data in a timely manner.

With Universal Customer View™, the firm streamlined and consolidated disparate source data into one system of record. The data fed into the client’s customer data mart. The company received access to:

  • Multiple industry-leading business entity databases 
  • A robust interface for their team to slice and dice validated data at will
  • An automatic, real-time, and incredibly powerful synchronization process 

With our business entity validation solution, the company now has accurate data at their fingertips. Furthermore, they have the ability to analyze revenue trends on demand. 

Download our case study to learn more details.

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